An Affirmation Advent

I love creating Advent Calendars for my family and friends, and this year I have created one with a positive affirmation for each day. I love using affirmations for myself and I also enjoy sharing them with my children by placing them around the house or popping one in their lunchbox to read at school.
I have shared this with the lovely people taking A Nourishing Winter this week (definitely not too late to join us!) and I have also popped it into my Store if you would like to buy the Affirmation Advent download as a standalone.

To share it with my family I have made a little pocket using fabric and an embroidery hoop. The envelopes with the affirmations in sit in the pocket and then each day’s affirmation is clipped to the front of the pocket. But there are so ways you could create your affirmation advent. You can find more ideas on my DIY Advent Pinterest board.


What Can You Do With 10 Minutes A Day?


A Nourishing Winter