When you are holding others, who is holding you?

I used to be so busy holding other people that I didn’t have time to think about who is holding me. I sort of just went along thinking I have an amazing husband and brilliant friends, so I must be held! 

But over the past few years I have explored this question deeply. It has cracked me open, made me feel more vulnerable than ever before (more on that coming soon on my conversation with my darling friend Emma Cannon on a future episode of her new Podcast!) and at times made me feel incredibly alone. 

This process has enabled me to make sure I am held, rooted and taken care of. It is a proactive practice and something I come back to at the beginning and end of every day. 

What I need to feel held varies from day to day, season to season but I have daily, weekly and monthly practices that I am responsible for. They don’t require anyone else and that is so precious. 

And then I have a circle of very special women who I speak to most days. Plus the most gorgeous weekly singing circle that feels me with life force, magic and opens my heart for me…and in so doing for so many others…but that is heart song singing for my soul that holds me so deeply. 

So, lovely ones…I invite you to sit and think about this question for yourself. xo 


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