Introducing Women’s Circles for Mothers of Neurodivergent and Highly-Sensitive Children

I am delighted to share my new offering for 2023 with you today. Women’s Circles for mothers of neurodivergent and highly-sensitive children. I will be holding these monthly, two online (both a day time one and an evening one) and an in-person circle here in Frome, Somerset.

Women’s circles are beautiful, healing, supportive, inspiring spaces and I think there is so much value in spending time listening to others and sharing your own experiences. There will be no pressure to speak if you don’t feel ready or if it doesn’t feel right for you at the time.

Each month I will also share something that has been helping me in my own mothering journey and will begin and end each circle with a short meditation, a chance to be still, connect with your heart and set intentions.

I am going to initially offer these circles on a month-by-month basis, so anyone can join one and not need to commit to joining regularly. It also provides people with a chance to try it and see if it’s something that they feel would be helpful for them.

I will then be moving to also offering a closed circle, so that people can build up connections with other women and have a deeper feeling of support. More on this when I feel the time is right to begin this!

Please feel free to email me or send me a DM on Instagram with any questions you may have and please do share with anyone you feel could benefit from joining a circle.

Online Circle January 25th AM

Online Circle January 26th PM

In-Person Circle January 29th 3.30-4.45pm

With love and light, Emily xo


What I’ve Loved In January


A Beautiful End & An Inspiring Start