Finding Focus As We Begin A New Year

Happy New Year! I know it’s a little late to be saying that but Covid hit our family pretty hard as the new year began and that combined with schools being closed means that here on 25th January I am finally ready to begin the year.

All Sorts Of Lovely

Towards the end of 2020 I announced on Instagram that All Sorts Of Lovely would now be completely focused on our neurodiverse family and it feels so wonderful and exciting to have defined this, said it out loud and now be here ready to do this!

Back in 2019 two of my four children and my husband were diagnosed as Autistic. Since then I have been on a big journey of learning and understanding. I have spent a lot of time going back and making sense of past events and memories. I have made changes in the way I work. I have gone back to university to study Psychology and I have had many conversations with other women who think that their partners and/or children may also be neurodiverse and are looking for someone to listen and answer questions.

For me the diagnoses were not a shock but more of a confirmation, a huge help for all of us and like a big key to help me to unlock and understand so many things. My husband and children have incredible talents and ways of experiencing the world that means that they have so much to offer. My husband already does some amazing work and I know that there is so much more to come. And I am so excited to see what my children do.

However, we live in a world that has been designed by neurotypical people, so it can often be confusing, overwhelming and difficult to live here when you are neurodiverse. Every day I am learning more and more about things I can do to support my family, so that they can thrive and live their best lives.

And my aim to share all of this with you. I will be writing posts here, going Live on Instagram every Wednesday at 2pm, setting up a Podcast, writing books and more. I hope you will join me on this journey and share All Sorts Of Lovely with anyone you feel will benefit.

Let’s do this! xo


Wednesday Instagram Lives


We have a puppy!