Our Autism Adventure Starts Now

Last week we finally received a diagnosis for our son that a part of me wishes we had got years ago but I am not one for regrets or for living in the past. We are right here, right now and our incredible boy at the age of 10 now completely and so proudly owns his diagnosis of High Functioning Autism (Aspergers).

I am relieved, happy, overwhelmed and calm right now….a tumble of emotions combined with exhaustion from the build up to the assessment and the complete relief at the outcome. I feel like I can finally begin to really help and support my son and enable him to live his very best life.

This week I felt I could finally speak online again and sharing this news on Instagram felt incredible. Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and messages. It means so much!

For years and years I have shared the ups and downs of life so openly and this sharing has not only helped others in similar positions and given a voice to those who can’t share publicly but feel heard when others do but it has really helped me too. I journal regularly and I talk to close friends but there is something so incredible for me when I get to share in a much more open and free way. Indeed I feel free and the weight of anything I am carrying around with me is shared.

I have missed this so much and now I feel I can talk again! I have so much to say about how we’ve got to where we are and how our Autism journey is going so far and now I can. Hooray! This will not become an Autism blog but it will be a place where I can share how I’m feeling, how we are doing as a family and I will most definitely share anything and everything that helps us….because it might help you, or your child or another family member or a friend.

I also think that the more that we share and talk about our brains and minds the better our world will become. I feel so lucky and honoured to be a parent of a child with Autism in 2019 but we still have so, so far to go. I will most definitely be a part of this journey of awareness and understanding for all of us. I hope you will be there alongside me. xo


Five Things My Children Have Taught Me About Autism