My favourite books of 2019
I love, love, love books and feel calm when there are plenty of them around me. This past year I’ve enjoyed quite a few fictions books (more than I’ve managed for a few years), plenty of non-fiction books and I have listened to lots of Audible too. I often have an Audible book and the physical book going at the same time, which may sound unusual but I find it works so well. And I regularly listen to the Audible books more than once, so they really sink in.
Here are my favourites from 2019.
City Of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood
Treasured Times by Jaryn McGrath
The Flower Fix by Anna Potter and India Hobson
Creative Calling by Chase Jarvis
Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
Autism : How To Raise A Happy Autistic Child by Jessie Hewitson (this book really,really helped me in 2019!)
The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey
Big Dreams, Daily Joys by Elise Blaha Cripe
Seeking Slow by Melanie Barnes
Made Out Of Stars by Meera Lee Patel
Oneness With All Life by Eckhart Tolle
Love Of Imperfect Things by Haemin Sunim
The Awakened Woman by Tererai Trent
Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
And top of my list to begin this year :
Find Your Artistic Voice by Lisa Congdon